Every community has its own assets, goals, and challenges. To address those challenges and meet your goals, sometimes you need help from an expert with years of experience solving many of the same issues. Roger Brooks, with 35 years of experience helping communities become outstanding, knows what works and what doesn’t. He can come to your community for a half a day, a full day, or more, listen to you and your stakeholders, assess your opportunities and challenges, and work with you to develop the solutions you need to achieve success. These days can be flexible, depending on your specific needs. They can include public workshops, round-table discussions, downtown walkabouts, tours of the area, meetings with local organizations – the time is yours to use as you see fit!
How the Program Works
Every visit includes a day of Roger’s time in preparation. This includes speaking with you and members of your team, where you can discuss your top goals and the issues to address during his visit. Roger will prepare an agenda, research the issues and review materials you’ve sent, look at various websites and online information, prepare any workshops he will be presenting, if needed, and plan the travel. Then there’s the “travel day” – one day is set aside to actually get to your community. Then the next morning, Roger is available for you!
Single-day Program
Roger’s practical solutions and motivational examples have made him indispensable for assisting communities, city and county leaders, government agencies, tourism offices, downtown organizations, and businesses. You would be amazed at how much Roger can accomplish with the single-day program! This program includes Roger’s preparation time prior to the visit, travel to your community, and four to five hours with you. This can include a public presentation, workshops, and meetings with you and your stakeholders. Roger’s travel home would take place later that same day. Once in the community, Roger is “on the clock.”
This single-day program is perfect if you want Roger to come in, host a morning public workshop for a couple of hours, and then meet with local stakeholders for another couple of hours before he catches a flight home or heads to his next destination.
The cost of this program is $8,500, which includes the travel, rental car, lodging and meals.
Multi-day Program
More days can be added to the single-day program, allowing you to expand the agenda so that Roger can spend more time in your community. This could include a day of touring the area to show him, first hand, your assets and challenges; meetings; study and planning sessions; a presentation, and a “where do we go from here” session.
Each additional day is a full eight-hours of Roger’s time. A possible program schedule could include: Roger has his pre-visit preparation day, and then he’d spend a day getting to your destination. In the multi-day program, you’d have the full eight hours (or so) the following day, plus the morning of the day after that (half a day), after which he’d head back home or to his next destination. More eight-hour days could also be added if you like. We can tailor the schedule, tasks, and number of days to you and your community’s individual needs.
The fee for each additional day is $4,500. So, for the full day plus half the next day, the fee would be $13,000. And then, you can add additional days for $4,500 each.
One great way to leverage Roger’s time with this program is for several nearby communities to pool resources, and have Roger spend the week in your area, working with each community. Roger could travel to you on Monday and spend all day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and half a day Friday with you, focusing 100% of that time helping you and each community to accomplish your goals. The total cost for this week would be $22,000. If four communities were participating, the cost for each would only be $5,500.
Setting the agenda for Roger's visit
Once Roger arrives, his time is yours to allocate how you’d like. We can work with you before his visit to decide the best agenda based on your goals.
The following is an example of a day-and-a-half program Roger recently hosted:
Prior to the visit, Roger spent a day preparing: researching, planning, and discussing the goals and agenda with our primary contact.
Monday: Travel day, including some additional on-plane review and research.
Tuesday: Tour the entire county with three others from the organization, with a stop for lunch. During the drive, they discussed challenges and obstacles, questions were asked, and solutions suggested. Roger kept notes about what they wanted him to address at an upcoming public workshop. Roger’s tour concluded about 3:00 pm so he’d have time to prepare his workshop for the following morning.
Wednesday: Roger presented a one-and-a-half hour public workshop that addressed what he observed during the tour, touched on the key points, and presented solutions that could be implemented right away to make the county a stronger destination. The workshop was custom-designed and 100% about the location. Nearly 100 stakeholders from around the county attended, which got them on board and working towards the same goals as the lead organization. This was followed up by a two-hour round-table open discussion with key stakeholders. After the meeting, Roger headed to his next destination.
The cost for this program would be $13,000 including travel and related costs.
This is just one example. We can help you craft the agenda to ensure we accomplish your goals for the visit, build support for your initiatives, and educate other stakeholders and/or the public.
There’s nothing more effective when it comes to finding bottom-line solutions and building public support than having Roger pay you a visit. Roger’s guiding motto is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
Guaranteed, Roger will have your community excited, inspired, and motivated to push your agenda forward.
Scheduling and Costs
Contact us today for scheduling information and a custom quote. All prices are in US Dollars.